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Global HOM Care Systems, Inc

 Hospital Outpatient Module (H.O.M.)

Global H.O.M. Care Systems, Inc. (GHC) is a start-up business venture that is developed around the introduction of a new assemblage of medical equipment called the Hospital Outpatient Module (H.O.M.)   The H.O.M. equipment is a mobile “hospital room” that is designed to be delivered to the patient’s residence or other on-site locations.  The mobile unit is designed with three basic models (model A, B, and C).  The principal model contains three sections that incorporate a comprehensive inventory of medical apparatus and supplies, including a fully automatic and adjustable electronic bed (“the e-bed”) with built-in Internet and satellite communication systems that allow constant observation and interaction with the patients.  Personal life-sign monitors that are connected to the “e-bed” allow audio and video observation and interaction with the patient around the clock.  The H.O.M. is constructed to facilitate the ease and mobility of patient care at the home site.

As a parallel and integral feature of the Global H.O.M. equipment, a “caregiver service” is an important component of the business model.  The placement of each H. O.M. unit will be accompanied by a staff of health caregivers.  Depending on the patient’s needs, a trained health caregiver will accompany the H.O.M. unit, and will provide average-daily support and care to the patient.  Each patient will be visited by a private physician at least one day per week.  With the use of a uniquely designed web cam, audio and video conferencing is controlled and maintained by a central monitoring center (the Central Monitoring Center-CMC) that will maintain constant observation and monitoring of the patient’s life-signs.  Health professionals will be able to monitor the entire range of life-signs from anywhere on the globe.

Following the development and production of a fully operational prototype of the H.O.M. equipment, a representative operation will be used to evaluate and modify the development where needed.  During this R&D period, the company will measure and document the operation and the services prior to a nationwide expansion of the business.

After a successful R&D initiative, the business will be expanded nationwide…region by region.  A global expansion program will be considered following a successful implementation and evaluation of the nationwide service within the U.S. health system.  At least three of the HOM units will be placed in three of the bed rooms at the guesthouse at the site the Gadson Garden Estates complex.  These units will be used as the first test-marketing effort for the concept.

Narrow Gates Community Life Center

            Narrow Gates Community Life Center (NGCLC) is the precursor to a fully accredited after school, "head-start," vocational and educational program.   The organization is designed to provide a sanctuary for inter-city children in kindergarten through high school and beyond.  The principal objective of the organization is to provide an educational and recreational environment for  individuals, young and old alike, who require extraordinary and extended support to bring them to a par or above their peers in the arena of life.    The central philosophy and general values of Narrow Gates is Christ-centered, Christ-based and Holy Spirit-led.   The desired end-result of Narrow Gates is toward the preparation of inter-city children for a successful and inspirational experience in elementary, secondary and high school experiences; and provide a temporary venue for the local community residents to escape the day-to-day pressures of life. Narrow Gates has partnered with several local and national organizations, including United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Department of Labor's Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), and Wells Fargo Bank.

Gadson Garden Eldominium Estates
The Gadson Garden Estates is a 463-unit senior citizens housing development, planned for a site in Barstow, CA.  The development is designed for 166 condominium units and 297 rentals (assisted living-type units).  The global project cost for the development is set at over $121 million.  The development is planned to be built-out over six phases.  The estimated completion time is 41 months.   The project is currently traversing through the entitlement phase with the City of Barstow. 

 The property is located across the street from the city’s public golf course.  Global HOM Care Systems, Inc, owns the development a Nevada corporation.  The principal shareholder is Robert J. Merritt, a trained hospital/nursing home administrator; real estate developer and inventor (see .  In the summer of 2003, Global HOM Care Systems, Inc purchased a 31+acre site on Country Club Drive from the City of Barstow.  The company and the city entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement to develop the 31 acres, dated May 7, 2004. .  The company paid the city $158k for the 31+ acres (with 20% down and $126,400 note) contiguous and adjacent to the 31+acres is an 86+ acres site that was purchased by Robert Merritt in March 2004, for a total of $643k (including $470k in back taxes).  To-date, he has expended over $2.8 million to bring the development to within weeks of full entitlement.  As a condition of the DDA with the city, the 31+ acres-property is to be developed first.  Both properties were appraised in December, 2005 and were valued at $3.4 million (or $40k per acre).  Upon final entitlement, the market value is estimated to be between $85k and $110k per acre.

Marcus Garver Nursing Home

One of the early projects developed by Robert Merritt was the Marcus Garvey Nursing Home, located in Brooklyn, New York.  The facility is a 295-bed skilled nursing home that was completed in the summer of 1975..  The home was conceived and designed by Merritt through a local, non-profit organization.  The total project cost for the 55,000 square foot facility was over $11.5 million, ninety-five percent of which was funded through the a program sponsored by the State of New Health Facilities Agency.  The other 3 percent of the funding was raised through the efforts of Mr. Merritt and his organization.  Because of the quickness in which the facility was developed, the State of New York awarded Mr. Merritt with a special citation in recognition of his personal efforts.  Mr. Merritt has had no association or involvement with the nursing home since its completion in 1975, but the home continues operations in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York.


The Merritt Family Trust is the holding entity for several entities and projects, including the Gadson Garden Estates senior housing development.  Other projects associated and/or owned by The Merritt Family Trust are listed below:

The Merritt Family Trust is the holding entity for: